Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Battle for Fort Brattar

September 13, 1640

• The weather is heavy overcast and drizzle.
• The Orc army moves it way up the incline of the hill upon which Fort Brattar is located. The traps of falling boulders and logs do nothing to the advance of the Orcs
• The Orc army outnumbers the Arthedain defenders 5 to 1. With them are a brace of Hill Trolls as well as the latest in Angmarin seige equipment. An Orc and Warg cavalry waits for the final assault.
• Galador decides to wait outside the Fort as he feels that guerrilla tactics may be useful here.
• Galador attempts to kill the Orc Commanders with his bow, but fails. By a hair's breadth he manages to escape the Wargs.
• The fighting is vicious on the walls. After what appears to be hours, Brac and the Defenders successfully repel the invaders, but the toll is heavy and the gates are being assaulted.
• Oil and fire at the gates do not stop the Orcs and Trolls in their relentless assault. Although the defenders led by Brac and Captain Caradok are successful in holding the gates, it is not enough to stop the assault as the Orcs bring up the catapults and begin artillery fire.
• Galador communicates with the spirits of nature and this time the spirits are listening. Galador summons a huge swarm of Hummerhorns (a dragonfly size wasp like insect) to attack the Orcs. Again Galador escapes the Warg patrols.
• Galador leaves the battlefield to look for the re-enforcements. He finds them and quickly leads them to the fight.
• Brac decides it time to use his horsemen and leads the charge of the fort's cavalry into the fray. The Orc army is caught in between Brac and Galador and the rout begins.
• The victory is complete and our INTREPID ADVENTURERS are hailed as heroes
• Captain Caradoc decides that considering the situation and what has occurred, he will not arrest our heroes. Ale is passed around.
• Galador and Brac remain at the fort for 2 days helping with the healing and clean-up.

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